The Beginning – not a Bad Place to Start

So, it is a new year and I am starting a new blog.  We shall see how long this one goes before I drop off again.  I have no idea what it will be about or if it will be about anything in particular.  2016 isn’t much different from 2015.  The world seems to be spiralling out of control.  Everyone so worried about everyone else and not themselves.  Worried about what other peoples children are doing or not doing and not minding their own.  I feel if everyone worried about their own household and teaching others to be tolerant and respectful than there would be less crime as there would be more respect for life over all.  our own and others.
But I am not a political person.  When offered power everyone who receives it becomes a horrid narcissistic monster with a price tag.  Our leaders should work for free.  With housing, food and the necessities provided for while they tend to their office.  after their office is over…. they should get a job just like everyone else.  But my two cents are made of wood and therefore not worth much to anyone.  Continue reading “The Beginning – not a Bad Place to Start”